OpenAI has released their new code interpreter model into alpha, bringing a new era of interactive coding to the ChatGPT platform! What if you could write code, execute it on-the-fly, and instantly see the results, all within a conversational AI interface? Well, that's exactly what the latest ChatGPT update enables you to do. This feature, currently in alpha testing, aims to revolutionize how we interact with code by combining the powerful natural language processing capabilities of ChatGPT with the ability to run code snippets in real-time. Whether you're a developer looking to debug your code or a student learning a new programming language, interactive coding in ChatGPT has something to offer for everyone. Let's explore how this exciting new feature works and how it can benefit you!
The interactive coding feature in ChatGPT is powered by a stateful code execution environment, allowing users to write, run, and interact with code snippets in a variety of programming languages. The integrated environment supports code execution for languages such as Python. Users can write code directly in the chat interface, and the code is executed by the ChatGPT model, which then returns the output in real-time.
ChatGPT's interactive coding feature is incredibly versatile and has a wide range of applications, including:
Debugging code: Quickly identify and fix issues in your code by running and testing it in the chat interface.
Learning and education: Use ChatGPT as an interactive tutor to learn new programming concepts and practice coding exercises.
Data analysis: Perform data analysis and visualize results with code execution and real-time feedback.
Code prototyping: Rapidly prototype and experiment with code ideas in an interactive environment.
Other libraries will be added over time, here is a complete list of all the libraries currently working in alpha and what they are used for. I will dive into some of the more exciting options in future posts so keep checking back!
Here is a brief description for each of the libraries:
• aiofiles (version 23.1.0): A library for asynchronous file I/O operations.
• aiohttp (version 3.8.1): An asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio.
• aiosignal (version 1.3.1): Asynchronous signal handling library for asyncio.
• anyio (version 3.6.2): An asynchronous networking and concurrency library.
• argcomplete (version 1.10.3): Bash tab completion for argparse.
• argon2-cffi (version 21.3.0): Secure password hashing using the Argon2 algorithm.
• argon2-cffi-bindings (version 21.2.0): CFFI bindings to the Argon2 password hashing library.
• asttokens (version 2.2.1): Annotate abstract syntax trees (ASTs) with token information.
• async-timeout (version 4.0.2): A timeout context manager for asyncio programs.
• attrs (version 22.2.0): A library that provides classes without boilerplate.
• Babel (version 2.12.1): A library for internationalization and localization.
• backcall (version 0.2.0): Specifications for callback functions.
• backports.zoneinfo (version 0.2.1): Backport of the standard library zoneinfo module.
• basemap (version 1.3.2): A library for creating geographic maps.
• basemap-data (version 1.3.2): Data files for the basemap library.
• beautifulsoup4 (version 4.8.2): A library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.
• bleach (version 6.0.0): A library for sanitizing and escaping HTML and XML.
• blinker (version 1.5): A fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling library.
• branca (version 0.6.0): A library for generating interactive HTML/JavaScript maps.
• certifi (version 2019.11.28): A Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.
• cffi (version 1.15.1): A foreign function interface for calling C code.
• chardet (version 3.0.4): Character encoding auto-detection in Python.
• charset-normalizer (version 2.1.1): A character encoding normalizer.
• click (version 8.1.3): A package for creating command-line interfaces.
• click-plugins (version 1.1.1): An extension module for click to enable external
• cligj (version 0.7.2): A library for click-based command line utilities for GeoJSON.
• cloudpickle (version 2.2.1): A library to serialize Python objects for distributed computing.
• comm (version 0.1.2): [No description available]
• compressed-rtf (version 1.0.6): A library to decompress compressed RTF (Rich Text Format).
• countryinfo (version 0.1.2): A library to get information about countries.
• cycler (version 0.11.0): A library for creating cyclic graphs.
• dbus-python (version 1.2.16): A library for D-Bus IPC system integration.
• debugpy (version 1.6.6): A debugger for Python applications.
• decorator (version 4.4.2): A library to help write decorators in Python.
• defusedxml (version 0.7.1): XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules.
• distro-info (version 0.23ubuntu1): Provides information about the distributions' releases.
• docx2txt (version 0.8): A utility to extract text from Microsoft Word (docx) documents.
• ebcdic (version 1.1.1): A library for EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) encoding and decoding.
• EbookLib (version 0.18): A library for reading, writing, and manipulating EPUB and Kindle files.
• entrypoints (version 0.4): A library to discover and load entry points from installed packages.
• et-xmlfile (version 1.1.0): A library for creating large XML files.
• executing (version 1.2.0): A library for reliably retrieving the executing node of a frame.
• extract-msg (version 0.28.7): A library to extract emails from MSG files.
• Faker (version 8.13.2): A Python package that generates fake data.
• fastjsonschema (version 2.16.3): A fast JSON schema validator.
• ffmpeg-python (version 0.2.0): A Python wrapper for FFmpeg.
• Fiona (version 1.8.20): A library for reading and writing vector data formats.
• folium (version 0.12.1): A library for creating interactive maps using Leaflet.js and Python.
• fpdf (version 1.7.2): A library for generating PDF documents.
• frozenlist (version 1.3.3): An immutable list implementation in Python.
• future (version 0.18.3): A library to provide new features from future Python versions.
• geographiclib (version 1.52): Tools for geodesy (converting between geographic, UTM, UPS, and MGRS coordinates).
• geopandas (version 0.10.2): A library for geographic data manipulation and analysis.
• geopy (version 2.2.0): A library for geocoding and reverse geocoding.
• h11 (version 0.14.0): A pure-Python HTTP/1.1 library.
• h2 (version 4.1.0): A pure-Python HTTP/2 library.
• hpack (version 4.0.0): A pure-Python HPACK header compression library.
• hypercorn (version 0.14.3): An ASGI server for running Python web applications.
• hyperframe (version 6.0.1): A pure-Python HTTP/2 framing layer.
• idna (version 2.8): Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) support.
• imageio (version 2.26.0): A library for reading and writing image data.
• imageio-ffmpeg (version 0.4.8): A Python wrapper for FFmpeg to read and write video files.
• IMAPClient (version 2.1.0): An easy-to-use, Pythonic, and complete IMAP client library.
• importlib-metadata (version 6.0.0): A library to access the metadata for a Python package.
• importlib-resources (version 5.12.0): A library for reading files within packages.
• ipykernel (version 6.21.3): IPython kernel for Jupyter.
• ipython (version 8.11.0): An interactive command-line interface for Python.
• ipython-genutils (version 0.2.0): Utility functions for IPython.
• itsdangerous (version 2.1.2): A library for securely signing data.
• jedi (version 0.18.2): An autocompletion library for Python.
• Jinja2 (version 3.1.2): A templating engine for Python.
• joblib (version 1.2.0): A library for lightweight pipelining in Python.
• json5 (version 0.9.11): A library for the JSON5 data interchange format.
• jsonpickle (version 3.0.1): A library for serializing complex Python objects to JSON.
• jsonschema (version 4.17.3): A JSON Schema validation library.
• jupyter-client (version 7.4.9): A library for connecting to Jupyter kernels.
• jupyter-core (version 5.1.3): Core Jupyter functionality.
• jupyter-server (version 1.23.5): A library for serving Jupyter notebooks.
• jupyterlab (version 3.4.8): A web-based development environment for Jupyter notebooks.
• jupyterlab-pygments (version 0.2.2): Pygments theme for JupyterLab.
• jupyterlab-server (version 2.19.0): A JupyterLab server extension.
• kerykeion (version 2.1.16): [No description available]
• kiwisolver (version 1.4.4): A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver.
• llvmlite (version 0.39.1): A lightweight LLVM Python
binding for writing JIT compilers.
• lxml (version 4.9.2): A library for processing XML and HTML with Python.
• MarkupSafe (version 2.1.2): A library for safely creating strings with markup (e.g., HTML, XML).
• matplotlib (version 3.4.3): A library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.
• matplotlib-inline (version 0.1.6): A Jupyter extension to display plots inline.
• matplotlib-venn (version 0.11.6): A library for plotting Venn diagrams with matplotlib.
• mistune (version 2.0.5): A fast and robust Markdown parser in Python.
• mizani (version 0.8.1): A library for building scales for data visualizations.
• moviepy (version 1.0.3): A library for video editing in Python.
• mpmath (version 1.3.0): A library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic.
• multidict (version 6.0.4): A library for multidict data structures (multiple values per key).
• munch (version 2.5.0): A dictionary subclass with attribute-style access.
• nashpy (version 0.0.35): A library for the computation of Nash equilibria of two-player strategic games.
• nbclassic (version 0.5.3): A Jupyter Notebook extension to use the classic UI in JupyterLab.
• nbclient (version 0.7.2): A library for running Jupyter Notebooks as scripts.
• nbconvert (version 7.2.10): A tool to convert Jupyter Notebooks to various formats.
• nbformat (version 5.7.3): A library to read and write Jupyter Notebook files.
• nest-asyncio (version 1.5.6): A library to allow asyncio tasks to be nested.
• networkx (version 2.6.3): A library for creating, manipulating, and studying graphs and networks.
• nltk (version 3.6.3): A library for natural language processing and text analysis.
• notebook (version 6.5.1): A web-based interactive computing environment for Jupyter notebooks.
• notebook-shim (version 0.2.2): A shim for using the classic Notebook UI in JupyterLab.
• numba (version 0.56.4): A just-in-time (JIT) compiler for numerical functions in Python.
• numpy (version 1.21.2): A library for numerical computing in Python.
• numpy-financial (version 1.0.0): A library for financial mathematical functions.
• olefile (version 0.46): A library for parsing Microsoft OLE2 files.
• opencv-python (version A library for computer vision and machine learning.
• openpyxl (version 3.0.10): A library for reading and writing Excel files.
• packaging (version 23.0): Core utilities for Python packages.
• palettable (version 3.3.0): A library for color palettes for Python.
• pandas (version 1.3.2): A library for data manipulation and analysis.
• pandocfilters (version 1.5.0): Utilities for writing Pandoc filters in Python.
• parso (version 0.8.3): A library for parsing Python code.
• patsy (version 0.5.3): A library for describing statistical models in Python.
• pdf2image (version 1.16.3): A library to convert PDF pages to images.
• pdfkit (version 0.6.1): A Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf to generate PDFs from HTML.
• pdfminer.six (version 20191110): A library for extracting text and metadata from PDF files.
• pexpect (version 4.8.0): A library for controlling interactive programs in Python.
• pickleshare (version 0.7.5): A small file-based database for sharing data between processes in Python.
• Pillow (version 8.3.2): A library for opening, manipulating, and saving image files.
• pip (version 20.0.2): The Python package installer.
• pkgutil-resolve-name (version 1.3.10): A library to resolve Python package names.
• platformdirs (version 3.1.1): A library for accessing platform-specific directories.
• plotnine (version 0.10.1): A library for creating ggplot2-style graphics in Python.
• priority (version 2.0.0): A library for priority queues in Python.
• proglog (version 0.1.10): A library for configurable progress logging in Python.
• prometheus-client (version 0.16.0): A library for creating Prometheus metrics in Python applications.
• prompt-toolkit (version 3.0.38): A library for building interactive command-line applications with rich user interfaces.
• psutil (version 5.9.4): A library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization.
• ptyprocess (version 0.7.0): A library to run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal.
• pure-eval (version 0.2.2): A library for safely evaluating a subset of Python expressions.
• PyAudio (version 0.2.11): A library for audio I/O with Python.
• pycountry (version 20.7.3): A library providing ISO country, subdivision, language, and currency data.
• pycparser (version 2.21): A C parser in Python.
• pycryptodome (version 3.17): A self-contained cryptographic library for Python.
• pydantic (version 1.10.2): A library for data validation and settings management.
• pydub (version 0.25.1): A library for manipulating audio files.
• Pygments (version 2.14.0): A syntax highlighting package for Python.
• PyGObject (version 3.36.0): Python bindings for the GObject introspection middleware.
• pygraphviz (version 1.7): A library for creating and manipulating Graphviz graphs.
• pylog (version 1.1): [No description available]
• PyMuPDF (version 1.19.6): A library for parsing, rendering, and manipulating PDF, XPS, and EPUB documents.
• pyparsing (version 3.0.9): A library for constructing and executing parsing grammars.
• PyPDF2 (version 1.28.6): A library for reading and manipulating PDF files.
• pyproj (version 3.4.1): A library for performing cartographic transformations and geodetic computations.
• pyprover (version 0.5.6): A library for symbolic first-order logic in Python.
• pyrsistent (version 0.19.3): A library for persistent/immutable data structures.
• pyshp (version 2.1.3): A library for reading and writing ESRI Shapefiles.
• pyswisseph (version A Python extension to AstroDienst's Swiss Ephemeris.
• pytesseract (version 0.3.8): An OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool for Python using Tesseract.
• python-apt (version 2.0.1+ubuntu0.20.4.1): A library for interacting with the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT).
• python-dateutil (version 2.8.2): A library for extensions to the standard Python datetime module.
• python-docx (version 0.8.11): A library for creating and updating Microsoft Word (.docx) files.
• python-pptx (version 0.6.21): A library for creating and updating Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) files.
• pyttsx3 (version 2.90): A library for text-to-speech conversion.
• pytz (version 2022.7.1): A library for handling time zones in Python.
• pytz-deprecation-shim (version 0.1.0.post0): A shim for transitioning from pytz to zoneinfo.
• PyWavelets (version 1.4.1): A library for discrete wavelet transforms in Python.
• pyzmq (version 25.0.1): A library for binding and connecting ØMQ sockets using Python.
• qrcode (version 7.3): A library for generating QR codes.
• quart (version 0.17.0): An ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) web microframework.
• regex (version 2022.10.31): An advanced regular expression engine for Python.
• requests (version 2.28.2): A library for making HTTP requests in Python.
• requests-unixsocket (version 0.2.0): A library for sending HTTP requests over UNIX domain sockets.
• scikit-image (version 0.18.3): A library for image processing in Python.
• scikit-learn (version 1.0): A library for machine learning and data mining in Python.
• scipy (version 1.7.1): A library for scientific computing and technical computing in Python.
• seaborn (version 0.11.2): A statistical data visualization library based on matplotlib.
• Send2Trash (version 1.8.0): A library for sending files to the Trash or Recycle Bin.
• setuptools (version 45.2.0): A library for building and distributing Python packages.
• shap (version 0.39.0): A library for explaining the output of machine learning models.
• Shapely (version 1.7.1): A library for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects.
• six (version 1.14.0): A library for Python 2 and 3 compatibility.
• slicer (version 0.0.7): A utility to help slice Python iterables.
• sniffio (version 1.3.0): A library for detecting which async library is in use.
• sortedcontainers (version 2.4.0): A library for sorted collections in Python.
• SoundFile (version 0.10.2): A library for reading and writing sound files.
• soupsieve (version 2.4): A library for selecting HTML elements using CSS selectors.
• SpeechRecognition (version 3.8.1): A library for performing speech recognition with the Google Speech Recognition API.
• stack-data (version 0.6.2): A library for extracting data from tracebacks and stack frames.
• statsmodels (version 0.12.2): A library for statistical modeling and hypothesis testing in Python.
• sympy (version 1.8): A library for symbolic mathematics in Python.
• tabulate (version 0.8.9): A library for pretty-printing tabular data in Python.
• terminado (version 0.17.1): A library for providing a WebSocket-accessible terminal emulator.
• text-unidecode (version 1.3): A library for transliterating Unicode text into ASCII.
• textract (version 1.6.4): A library for extracting text from various document formats.
• threadpoolctl (version 3.1.0): A library for controlling the number of threads used in parallelism primitives.
• tifffile (version 2023.3.15): A library for reading and writing TIFF files.
• tinycss2 (version 1.2.1): A low-level CSS parser and generator for Python.
• toml (version 0.10.2): A library for parsing and creating TOML files.
• tomli (version 2.0.1): A fast TOML parser and encoder for Python.
• torch (version 1.10.0): A library for tensor computation and deep neural networks.
• torchaudio (version 0.10.0): An audio library for PyTorch.
• torchvision (version 0.11.1): A library for image and video datasets and models for PyTorch.
• tornado (version 6.2): A scalable, non-blocking web server and web application framework.
• tqdm (version 4.64.0): A fast, extensible progress bar library for Python.
• traitlets (version 5.9.0): A library for configuring and validating class attributes.
• typing-extensions (version 4.5.0): Backported and experimental type hints for Python.
• tzdata (version 2022.7): IANA time zone data for Python.
• tzlocal (version 4.2): A library for getting the local time zone.
• unattended-upgrades (version 0.1): A package for automatically installing security upgrades.
• urllib3 (version 1.25.8): A library for making HTTP requests with connection pooling and file posting.
• wcwidth (version 0.2.6): A library for measuring the display width of Unicode characters.
• webencodings (version 0.5.1): Character encoding aliases for legacy web content.
• websocket-client (version 1.5.1): A library for WebSocket client support in Python.
• websockets (version 10.3): A library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python.
• Werkzeug (version 2.2.3): A comprehensive WSGI web application library.
• wheel (version 0.34.2): A library for building and installing Python wheels.
• wordcloud (version 1.8.1): A library for generating word clouds from text.
• wsproto (version 1.2.0): A pure-Python WebSocket protocol stack.
• xlrd (version 1.2.0): A library for reading data and formatting information from Excel files.
• XlsxWriter (version 3.0.9): A library for creating Excel XLSX files.
• xml-python (version 0.4.3): [No description available]
• yarl (version 1.8.2): A library for URL handling and manipulation.
• zipp (version 3.15.0): A library for efficiently working with ZIP archives in Python.
I'll be going through the libraries that interest me the most in the coming weeks. What would you like to see? Let me know!